Pay Later has arrived and it's shaking up the credit card industry. Pay Later is a unique financial product where you can buy now pay later . It is designed to offer consumers the convenience of shopping with credit while protecting them from paying for goods they don't need or can't afford. Instead of a credit card, Pay Later users use their debit cards like a credit card. Just swipe and sign for purchases at any time. It is safer than relying on your bank account because your balance will never be more than $250 (or the limit set by your debit card issuer). If you exceed that money, the merchant won’t process payment. Pay Later was designed to replace credit cards. It enables sellers to build a more stable bottom line and make it easier to offer customers low introductory prices. "Just as some gas station owners have found, once you've started offering Pay Later, people buy more with it." says Darrell Davis, CEO of Pay Later. "A lot of people don'...